Connect with and support Asian, Native Hawaiian and Pacific Islander, and Desi wellness providers. Enjoy samples of services and goods and join the yoga nidra practice following the fair.

Wellness Fair
Sunday, June 2nd
1:30pm - 3:30pm
Enjoy samples of acupuncture, bodywork, fine Japanese teas, and more! Play our fun Bingo game and enter a raffle for services such as:
cupping & gua sha session
a therapeutic table, thai massage, or craniosacral therapy session
an acupuncture treatment
a BYMC yoga membership
Why the wellness fair is important: many wellness practices used today, such as yoga, acupuncture, and Qigong come from Asian communities, and yet there is an under representation of Asian practitioners in these fields. You can be a part of shifting this power imbalance by supporting and receiving from these incredible providers. Meet a wide range of practitioners and enjoy samples of their work. See some of the providers below.
Registration isn't mandatory but would help us know how many folks are interested!
Yoga Nidra
Sunday, June 2nd
4:00pm - 5:00pm
Join us for a special yoga nidra practice with Tara Sonali Miller (see bio below). This deeply relaxing practice includes gentle movement, pranayama (movement of vital energy through breath), and yoga nidra - a meditative state where the body is relaxed and supported. Bring writing materials for reflection and a yoga mat if you have one. This is part of the Bhakti Yoga Movement Center's Community Connections program - a monthly gathering open to all and free to our members.
Go to the Yoga Nidra event page to learn more and register!
WELLNESS FAIR: free - no pre-registration necessary!
The Bhakti Yoga Movement Center: 2500 SE 26th Ave. Portland, OR
Meet some of the providers (more to come...)

Tara Sonali Miller - Co-Director of the BYMC and the Soma School of Yoga and Somatics

Whitney Handrich - Massage & Doula Support

Carrie Hsia - Chiropractor

Judy Myong DeHoogh - Acupuncture

Monel Chang - Naturopathic Doctor + Somatics Coach

Yume Takeuchi - Acupuncture + Herbal Medicine

Aya Onoderai - Chaba & Co, Fine Japanese Tea
COVID Safety
There are no requirements for this series. Masking is optional and we ask that you stay home if you are experiencing symptoms of illness.