A donation-based drop-in meditation class for BIPOC

Join in community for practices of coming home, which may be your body, and/or if that doesn't feel safe, the practice of coming into presence. This is an hour long silent meditation where you are welcome to sit, lie down, or do gentle movements as needed. Cushions, backless folding chairs, and other yoga props will be provided. A mat is not needed, but if you like to meditate on one, make sure to bring your own. The only requests of the space to show up in as much presence as possible and to have awareness of one's level of sobriety- I understand that for some of us we need some level substances to create bravery, comfort, ability to show up.
About Radical Meditation for BIPOC
In July of 2016 the Radical Meditation for BIPOC (understanding the nuance of this acronym) was created out of a deep need for BIPOC community affinity and out of what was deeply lacking in one of the whitest and culturally appropriative cities. The meditation took a pause in November 2019 and this revitalization comes from Touk's own need, to be in spiritual community as continued political, environmental, and personal crisis continues.
Dates / Times / Format
Sunday March 5h, 5:30pm - 6:30pm PST
In-person + Livestream
Covid Safety
Please email your proof of COVID vaccination to connect@thebymc.com or provide proof of a negative test within 24 hours of the event. Wear a mask when you arrive to the studio. We will conduct an anonymous poll at the start of class to see if anybody needs everyone to stay masked to be safe. If that need isn't present then individuals can choose to practice with or without masks. This is the best way for us to care for our most vulnerable.
Donate what you can. To register, search for the event in our class schedule by the date, click to sign up, and opt to donate what you can.
Not BIPOC but want to support this space? Donate and email connect@theBYMC.com to indicate your donation is for BIPOC meditation.
About Touk Keo

Touk Keo (they/them) was raised in Salem, Oregon, after both of their parents fled the Khmer Rouge in April of 1975. Through witnessing and experiencing the impacts of genocide, Touk has taken upon themselves to find mentors like Grace Lee Boggs, to help them understand the world they see themselves thriving in, by "re-spiriting, re-building, and re-imagining” what that could look like. To them, it has meant creating spaces like the Radical Meditation for BIPOC communities to see the deeper truth of what it means to decolonize, re-claim identities, rename oneself, and to reconnect with spirits of their country that have also been displaced by U.S. occupation.
Touk is also an avid farmer with flower farm and ancestral herbal garden with 4 soon to be 6 chickens, 2 goats: Felipe and Dulce, 2 kittens: Lucia and Sylvie, and misses their beloved grumpy chihuahua named Neko, while also a parent to the incredible Nayeli Nira Devi and partnered to cutie doctor Jeevan Singh.