Yoga Nidra is a nourishing guided meditation that can be practiced in any posture and any place that feels restful, generally lying down in savasana or corpse pose. During yoga nidra the nervous system shifts to the parasympathetic state, where healing and deep inner knowing can unfold; a time to slow down and care for yourself by doing literally nothing. You might fall asleep or be in the liminal space, dreaming and downloading.
In this 4-week series, Rita infuses key themes and quotes from the New York Times’ bestseller Rest is Resistance by Nap Bishop Tricia Hersey. A quote from this powerful manifesto is, “A community call toward rest as a form of activism is a call to slow down and listen and care. It is an empowered place fueled by the shared goal of becoming more human. We are not machines. We are not on Earth to fulfill the desires of an abusive system via our exhaustion.”
After each nidra Rita will offer a journaling prompt from Hersey's Rest is Resistance book club guide. Journaling after nidra is a potent way to tap into your own intuitive wisdom and integrate your experience. Everyone is encouraged to read Rest is Resistance, but the class is for all, whether you have read it or not.
Beginners are warmly welcome. Rita will check in via email with students new to her offerings to support their experience. New students please register early to allow for that check in.
These items are recommended for optimal comfort during the practice:
A comfortable place to lie down
If on the floor, consider softening it with a blanket under you.
A pillow to prop up your head and one for your under your knees if you're lying on your back
Wear comfortable layers and have an extra blanket on hand in case you're cold
Eye pillow or scarf to block out the light
A warm herbal tea or bottle of water and a light snack to help ground after the class ends
Journal or paper, pencil. Colored pencils if you would prefer to draw, instead of writing.
Cell phone turned off
This series will be recorded and available for replay until October 3rd.
Dates / Times / Format
4-week series; Thursdays in September
August 5th, 12th, 19th, & 26th
7:30 - 8:30pm PST
$90 for series
** Please pay Rita directly through her Venmo account: @Rita-Jimenez-4 OR her PayPal: @ritaj65 **
Please note that this series is not included in the new student special. If you are of African heritage and the class fee is a barrier, please contact me via email at ritaj65@gmail.com. If you would like to donate to support African heritage folks in taking this series, please reach out via ritaj65@gmail.com.
About Rita Jimenez

Rita Jimenez is passionate about offering yoga nidra and asana in English and Spanish. Her offerings are rooted in both trauma-informed training and her lived experiences. In 2013 she started teaching yoga with two non-profits, first Street Yoga and later with Living Yoga, in Portland, Oregon. In 2020 she received her 300 hour yoga teacher training certification with Bhakti Yoga Movement Center. In 2021 Rita became a Daring to Rest Yoga Nidra Facilitator. She recently completed the 14 hour Total Yoga Nidra Immersion Experience online training with Uma Dinsmore-Tuli. Rita now lives in Oaxaca, Mexico, where she paints, writes and hikes with her dog Sorpresa. Learn more about her passion for yoga at her blog at http://yogawithrita.blogspot.com.